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Category Archives: FAMILY

Family Session | Cedar Park, TX

This gorgeous family opted for a sunrise photo session to capture their family for baby boy’s one year milestone. With summer hitting hard here in Austin and little ones who get to bed early, sunrise was the best choice. The light was beautiful and the park was less crowded than normal. It is my absolute...

Fall Mini Sessions | Austin, Georgetown

The highlight of 2020, Fall Mini Sessions! I am excited and looking forward to this year’s fall mini sessions! Here is the sign up link: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=20588980 If you do not see dates or locations that work for you, but you are interested, contact me and we will see if we can work something out! There...


Newborn, FAMILY, and Senior portraits

Sharla Martin

Hours Mon - Fri 10A-5P

SErving the austin area