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Austin Newborn Photo Session At Home

We were excited to welcome this baby girl at the END of the month, and were surprised by her early arrival. She was 4 pounds 9 ounces of PURE PERFECTION on the day of her at home photo session! We had photographed her older brother’s newborn session a couple of years earlier and he and big sister were excited to take pictures with sweet baby! To see her brother’s newborn session, click here: http://sharlamartinphotography.com/newborn-baby-photography/(opens in a new tab)

She was perfect in every way! Welcome Sweet Baby Emmie!

austin newborn photos at home
austin baby photos
newborn posing
newborn photos
newborn outside photo
newborn posing
outdoor newborn photos
newborn posing
newborn in prop austin
mommy and me newborn


Newborn, FAMILY, and Senior portraits

Sharla Martin

Hours Mon - Fri 10A-5P

SErving the austin area